Acids form a class of chemical substances which contain hydrogen ions in aqueous solution, H+ (aq), as the only positive ion.
Acids are usually classified into mineral or organic acids:
Mineral Acids
generally much stronger
most do not occur naturally
usually have simpler molecules
Examples: Sulphuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Phoshoric Acid and Carbonic Acid
Organic Acids
naturally occurring
found in vegetables, fruit and other foodstuffs
usually weaker and less corrosive
Examples: Ethanoic Acid, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Tartaric Acid and Acetic Acid
Acids are substances that form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
A hydrogen ion is actually a proton. Therefore, acids are called the proton donors.
Basicity of Acids
Basicity of an acid is the number of hydrogen ions which can be produced by one molecule of the acid.
There are 3 common types of Basicity of an acid
monoprotic: acids that produced 1 H+ ion from each acid molecule.
diprotic: acids that produced 2 H+ ion from each acid molecule.
triprotic: acids that produced 3 H+ ion from each acid molecule.
Physical Properties of Acids
Acids have the following physical properties:
Tastes sour
Turns moist blue litmus to red
pH value < 7
Can conduct electricity
Chemical Properties of Acids
Acid + Reactive Metal → Salt + Hydrogen gas
Acid + Metal Carbonate → Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide gas
Acid + Base oxide → Salt + Water
Acid + Alkali → Salt + Water
Role of Water to Show Properties of Acid
The presence of water is essential for the formation of hydrogen ions and it is only the presence of these ions which causes acidity.
Without water, an acid won’t show the properties of acid.
Without water, the molecules of ethanoic acid do not disassociate to form hydrogen ions.
Without hydrogen ions, ethanoic acid does not shows acidity

With the presence of water, the molecules of ethanoic acid disassociate and form hydrogen ions.
With the presence of hydrogen ions, ethanoic acid shows acidity

Strong Acids and Weak Acids
Acids are chemical substances that ionize/dissociate in the presence of water to produce hydrogen ions (or hydroxonium ions).
The strength of an acid depends on the degree of ionization/dissociation of the acid.
Strong acids are acids that ionise completely to form hydrogen ions in water.
Sulphuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Nitric acid
Weak acids are acids that partly ionise to form hydrogen ions in water.
Ethanoic acid
Phosphoric acid
Citric acid